Pink<3 Princess (3643479)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (74 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Relax Living Corner Set 1230
Published Dec 12, 2011
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Working on a very big project.Written Feb 17, 2012
Hello all, I have been away for awhile, but I will return bearing free gifts for your Simmies :) I have been working on a large project for the Sims 3. If you follow any of my work, you know that I have started a Sims 3 Object series called The Relax collections, and so far I have completed a very nice corner set. Well, if you like that, there is way more to come! I am currently working on... ...More
In game shots of my completed works thus far!!Written Mar 08, 2011
Hello my darling Simmies! I am proud to present some in game shots of what has been created so far. Please tell me what you think, I welcome all comments. (nice ones of course he he he :) I really worked hard on these and i even ran into some problems with my terrians but i finally got the to work correctly. yayy! I hope you like these they will be... ...More
Picture PreviewsWritten Mar 04, 2011
I am still hard a work creating some lovely things to go with the theme of my Vacation in Paradise Collection and so far I have completed 1 lot, 30 pictures, 2 very pretty eyeshadows, 2 patterns, and 2 terrians. I work during the day time so its kind of hard to complete all that I want to do in one day but I am working hard and taking my time so that everything is... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsDec 28, 2011
Hello Thank you so much for commenting Happy Holidays!!
xhaiiDec 24, 2011
you are very welcome! your creation deserved a comment and thnks for the greetings, I wish you a Merry Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year too!!
ByzantineGirlDec 24, 2011
I've just read my message to you below and with all the pm's
disappearing I can't remember what it is I've got to think about!! uh:
lol If you remember PLEASE remind me! Anyway warmest wishes for a very magical Christmas
and peace and happiness throughout the New Year!!